Webinar Proposal Guidelines

2025 Webinar Series - Call for Proposals

Opens: Thursday, September 5, 2024

Deadline to submit: Friday, September 27, 2024

APBP is now accepting proposals for the 2025 webinar series. APBP's webinar series offers a wide range of topics related to active transportation. Whether you are a veteran presenter or new to APBP, if your work is connected to active transportation, we want to hear from you! We are looking for topics that are related to the active transportation community. Would you like to share your knowledge or research in a particular subject area? Have a cool or innovative story from your community that you’d like to share? If so, we invite you to contribute to our call for webinar proposals.

Submit a Proposal

The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Webinar proposals should be useful to professionals and advocates working in the field of bicycling and walking, including but not limited to: planning, design, engineering, education, encouragement, evaluation, ethics, equity, and advocacy. Innovative approaches that have achieved measurable results are most desirable. Presentations must be evidence-based.

APBP webinars are 60 minutes long (40 minutes of total presentation time + 20 minutes for introductions and Q&A), and scheduled at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on the third Wednesday of the month except in the event of a conflict with an official holiday (religious or secular).

APBP is looking for multiple presenters and private/public combinations in our webinars to offer multiple viewpoints or diverse case studies for the audience. We generally do not accept proposals for an entire webinar with a single consultant. APBP is happy to pair you with another presenter to share the webinar time with, or you may be asked to bring in other voices to your presentation. In addition, a single consulting firm may not present on more than two (2) webinars in a calendar year. APBP strongly encourages consultants who are submitting proposals to include agency and/or community folks in the proposal to speak on the webinar.

APBP will not accept webinar topics intended purely to promote commercial products. Products may be mentioned during a presentation only if relevant to the topic and broadly useful to communities seeking to increase bicycling and walking for transportation. APBP staff will gladly provide guidance to interested suppliers on what type of content is acceptable.

Please note: APBP is committed to representing diverse viewpoints. One way we honor this commitment is by selecting webinar presenters from different backgrounds, organizational affiliations, or geographic locations. As such, we encourage you to identify co-presenters that are representative of different audiences and views. In some cases, we may suggest combining multiple proposals on a similar topic into a single webinar. APBP will not tolerate discrimination against those in consideration for inclusion as a webinar speaker based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

After reviewing your proposal, APBP may ask you to provide additional information or suggest modifications. APBP may accept the proposal whole or in part. If your proposal is selected, you will be notified in a timely manner and given the opportunity to confirm the month selected is workable for you and your co-presenters.

Proposals intended for inclusion in the 2025 webinar series must be received by Friday, September 27, 2024 for consideration.


If your proposal is selected, each presenter will be expected to:

  • Provide a biography and head shot to be used for promotional purposes.
  • Develop a compelling presentation (PowerPoint, PDF, etc.) to be used for the visual component of the webinar.
  • Participate in at least one rehearsal to become familiar with the technology used and coordinate with other presenters.
  • Promote the webinar to their networks.
  • An honorarium for all webinar presenters is available or it can be waived. The honorarium will be paid after the webinar concludes.


  • Provide the technology and infrastructure to advertise the webinar, handle webinar registration, produce the webinar and host the recorded webinar.
  • Promote the webinar to its members and network.
  • Track webinar registrations and provide participants with all the information necessary to access the webinar.
  • Train the presenter(s) on how to use the webinar platform and assist with the entire live webinar presentation.
  • Moderate the webinar. This includes formally introducing the presenters and facilitating any Q&A and/or live polling.